1、If you were principal of your highschool for a day, what would you do? You have 20 minutes to complete your work.
2、Other than a political leader of acountry, who do you think holds the most power in the world today? What makesthem so influential? You have 20 minutes to complete your answer.
3、A person's success can be measured bythe number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have. What doyou think? You have 20 minutes to complete your answer.
4、If you have been selected to teach aclass to your peer, what would you teach them? You have 20 minutes to completeyour answer.
5、What if a college applicationrequired you to list your failures as well as your accomplishments? Do youthink that would improve the application process? You have 20 minutes tocomplete your answer.
6、It is often said, "If at firstyou don't succeed, try, try again." Can you describe a situation from yourown life or a situation you observed where this quote would be bad advice? Youhave 20 minutes to complete your answer.
7、Suppose a younger student asks you howto survive and thrive in high school. What kind of advice would you give? Youhave 20 minutes to complete your answer.
8、If you were to create a reality TVshow of three individuals living together for an extended period of time, whomwould you choose? You have 20 minutes to complete your answer.
9、There are many different ideas thatsuggest how to be healthy. What is your strategy? If a friend asked you forgeneral advice about how to be healthy, what would you say? You have 20 minutesto complete your answer.
10、What would you do differently if youhad the chance to live last summer again? Why? You have 20 minutes to completeyour answer.
11、If you have the ability to influencethe minds of others for 24 hours, how would you use this power and why? Youhave 20 minutes to complete your answer.